How to Improve your BigCommerce SEO Strategy

BigCommerce SEO: algorithms and strategies are changing continuously.

So much so that, SEO has nothing to do with what it was a couple years ago. That’s why it’s really important, especially for eCommerce business, to be updated of the last tried-and-true SEO strategies. In this post you will learn about the newest BigCommerce SEO techniques you shouldn’t wait a second to apply to your business.

What should you do in order for your BigCommerce store to be found on Google, Bing and other search engines?

Tip 1 – Make sure all your pages load perfectly

Sometimes you spend a lot of time optimizing your content and don’t pay attention to tech issues. Always remember to reduce the loading time of your site, to have it optimized for mobile and solve any site errors that may arise. BigCommerce themes are mostly responsive, you can find here a list of the best BigCommerce themes to use on 2022. For having all this under control, I recommend you to continually monitor your site on your Google Search Console.

Tip 2 – Write useful and unique product descriptions

You should write descriptions of your own, that are great, descriptive and original. For improving your eCommerce SEO you should select your keywords and use them in your content: headlines, descriptions and metas. You can use a  keyword planner for finding the right keywords to position your site on top of Google results for people that are actually searching for what you offer.

It’s important that you don’t just copy manufacturer’s boring description, but talk about the benefits instead of the functionality of it. Having an attractive product description is the best way to lead shoppers to purchase your product. Sell the benefits and not the products.

Tip 3 – Write strategic URLs and page descriptions

Think about it. People searching for your products can know your products and brand already, or not. Including the product name and one keyword related to the product category in these key places will help you match both, branded and generic searches.

This is essential for your strategy in terms of capturing new potential clients and making them understand the value of what you offer. You should include the keywords you selected and you want to position your different landing pages for in the URL and page descriptions.

Tip 4 – Don’t force keywords where they don’t fit

When reading about this kind of strategy, you learn about the huge importance of repeating keywords. But you have to be extremely careful. Of course you should include the main keyword in the product description but it should flow naturally, remember a human will read it.

Also Google has learned to penalize it if a keyword is excessively repeated as understand it’s not confortable for the user to read those kind of repetitive texts. Be natural when you create content and use synonyms instead of the main keyword all the time.

Tip 5 – Create your own blog

This is SUPER important for generating keywords and improving your SEO strategy. The more content related to your store and products, the better, and it also improves trust! What else can you ask for? And take care of your Blog strategy, of course!

Creating a blog also gives you the chance of multiplying the number of keywords you can position your site for as well as the topics you talk about so more people come to your site.

More Tips…

Use videos on your product pages… 

…including videos showing off how to use the product will make people more likely to buy the product. It will also help them understand how is the product, as it can be complicated sometimes when shopping online. This is a less common BigCommerce SEO strategy but it’s increasing its importance every year.

Your video should display your products and services but also their benefits. Displaying people enjoying them creates a sense of empathy that could benefit your conversion rates. Also don’t forget to include CTAs in your videos as well.

Let people review your products

Reviews are great for generating trust and generating new content in your product pages! It’s proved that reviews can increase your sales by 18%. Also, people writing reviews will be likely to include your keywords in the review.

Make sure your product description and the headline matches

If you promise something in your headline, and then the site doesn’t correspond with it, Google will blacklist you. Again, we recommend you use similar keywords for headlines and descriptions.

Enable Rich Snippets and Knowledge Graphs

It’s always cool to start bringing traffic to your site with Google Ads, and there are really cool apps helping you do it on BigCommerce. But once you are building this kind of strategy, you should always try to get featured organically in the Rich Snippets that are now the first place where visitors tend to click. You can check if you are doing this correctly on Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool.

Add breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs will help everybody understand how your products and categories are structured. Both, Google and your customers will be benefited by your efforts. For Google it works like a roadway that makes it easier to index and crawl your site, and for customers it will really improve their user experience.

As you see, building your online store SEO strategy is really time-consuming and you will need to make your best for making your site visible organically. A successful SEO strategy is a long-term strategy, but once you’ve built it it stays forever. You won’t need to invest money continually for maintaining your positioning, as you would do with paid strategies.

We recommend using Google ads and other ways of paid advertising in the first 6-12 months of a project, while you are building your BigCommerce online store SEO strategy parallely. And then once you start seeing SEO results, decrease the money you invest on SEM strategy progressively.

However, we ensure you that applying all these tricks and tactics will drive you serious results in terms of your BigCommerce store performance. Ready for it?

Have you familiarized yourself with the PMAX campaigns from Google and Microsoft? They’re quite noteworthy and not to be overlooked!

Good luck!!

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