Our Google CSS partner program offers an efficient & cost-effective solution for your shopping campaigns. With our program, you can enjoy a 20% reduction in your ad costs, helping you to maximize your ROI. Start optimizing your shopping campaigns today & take advantage of the cheapest rates available!
Try it now!You can get it now by just following 3 simple steps:
Securely link your account in just minutes to synchronize your products.
Accept the invitation in your email associated with your Google Merchant center account.
Enjoy your Shopping campaigns with 20% off your CPC. Get more for less!
Utilize our expertise and experience with Google Shopping ads CSS & technology.
Try it now!Nothing matters more to us at Clever Ads than our users & customers. This is what they say about us:
"This Google CSS partner program is the best! It is so easy to sign and use and we noticed that our ads cost has dropped"
"I have a small business in my city and with this Google CSS partner program integration my ads have increased notably their benefit! Now I know what is Google Shopping and how it works"
"Clever Ads has helped me with my Google Ads Shopping campaigns, my ads now are more profitable and it allows me to better manage my budget"
Check what our CSS plan offers and start saving money today.
per month
... & start taking advantage of cheaper & more customizable campaigns with our Google CSS partner program. Start having your Shopping campaigns under control! Join our waiting list and get notified when we are ready to go!
Learn more about our Google CSS partner program that will help you to save on your Shopping campaigns.