Shopify Marketing with Facebook Advantage+

Effortless Shopify Marketing with Facebook Advantage+ & Clever Ads Manager

In the fast-paced world of eCommerce, finding tools that streamline the marketing process is essential. Facebook Advantage+ and Clever Ads Manager are two powerful allies for those managing online stores on platforms like Shopify. In this article, we’ll explore how these tools can enhance your marketing strategy on Shopify effortlessly.

Simplifying Marketing on Shopify with Facebook Advantage+ and Clever Ads Manager

In the digital age, having an online presence is crucial for any business, especially in the realm of eCommerce. With the rise of platforms like Shopify, setting up an online store is more accessible than ever. However, the true key to success lies in effectively promoting those products and reaching a target audience. This is where tools like Facebook Advantage+ and Clever eCommerce Ads Manager come into play, making social media marketing easier and more effective than ever.

What is Facebook Advantage+?

Facebook Advantage+ is a tool designed to streamline ad management on Facebook and Instagram. Integrated directly into Shopify, it allows users to create, run, and track advertising campaigns without leaving the platform. This greatly simplifies the process, eliminating the need to switch between multiple tabs and apps.

What is Shopify?

Shopify is an eCommerce platform that enables anyone to create and manage their own online store. From small businesses to large brands, Shopify provides the necessary tools to design, customize, and promote products effectively on the Internet.

How to Set Up Your Shopify Store?

Setting up a store on Shopify is a relatively simple process. Users first need to sign up for an account on Shopify and select a pricing plan that suits their needs. They can then customize the look of their store using a variety of themes and add products using the Shopify admin panel. Once the store is set up, users can start promoting their products using tools like Facebook Advantage+ and Clever Ads Manager.

How Does Facebook Advantage+ Work in Shopify by Clever Ads?

The integration of Clever Ads’ Facebook Advantage+ with Shopify is simple and quick. Once installed, users can access the tool from their Shopify dashboard. From there, they can create ads, select specific audiences, set budgets, and track the performance of their campaigns, all in one place.

Advantages of Using Facebook Advantage+ on Shopify

  • Simplicity: The intuitive interface of Facebook Advantage+ simplifies the process of creating and managing ads, even for novice users.
  • Seamless Integration: Being directly integrated into Shopify, users can seamlessly manage their advertising campaigns from their ecommerce platform.
  • Detailed Tracking: Facebook Advantage+ provides detailed metrics on campaign performance, allowing users to optimize their strategies based on the results obtained.

What Exactly is Clever eCommerce Ads Manager?

Clever eCommerce Ads Manager is an all-in-one tool that helps manage advertising campaigns on various platforms, including Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising, and of course, Facebook and Instagram. Its integration with Shopify makes it an invaluable resource for online store owners looking to expand their reach and increase sales.

What Other Products Does Clever Ads Offer?

In addition to this Advantage+ integration with Shopify, Clever Ads offers a wide range of products designed to simplify advertising for online businesses. These range from a banner generator to Google and Microsoft ad creators, campaign optimizers, and keyword planners, among others. Our goal is to provide users with all the tools necessary to maximize their online presence and increase sales. Try our 14-day free trial now and boost your sales!

How Does Clever Ads Manager Work on Shopify?

Just like with Facebook Advantage+, integrating Clever Ads Manager into Shopify is simple and straightforward. Once installed, users can access the tool from their Shopify dashboard and start creating and managing advertising campaigns on multiple platforms with just a few clicks.

Advantages of Using Clever Ads Manager on Shopify

  • Versatility: Clever Ads Manager allows users to manage advertising campaigns on multiple platforms from one place, saving time and simplifying the process.
  • Automatic Optimization: The tool uses smart algorithms to automatically optimize advertising campaigns, maximizing users’ return on investment.
  • Personalized Support: Clever Ads Manager offers personalized support via live chat and email, ensuring that users receive help whenever they need it.


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Here are some frequently asked questions from our users:

Do I need previous marketing experience to use these tools?

No, both Facebook Advantage+ and Clever Ads Manager are designed to be accessible even to users with no previous marketing experience. Their intuitive interface and easy-to-use features allow anyone to create and manage advertising campaigns relatively easily.

What is the difference between Facebook Advantage+ and Clever Ads Manager?

While both are tools for managing ads on Facebook and Instagram, Facebook Advantage+ focuses exclusively on these two platforms, while Clever Ads Manager offers additional functionalities and the ability to manage campaigns on multiple advertising platforms, such as Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising.

What is the cost of using these tools?

Both Facebook Advantage+ and Clever Ads Manager offer flexible pricing options, ranging from free trials to premium plans with advanced features. Users can select the plan that best suits their needs and budget.


Facebook Advantage+ and Clever Ads Manager are essential tools for any online store owner looking to streamline and optimize their marketing strategy on Facebook and Instagram. With their seamless integration into Shopify and powerful set of features, these tools make creating and managing advertising campaigns easier and more effective than ever. If you’re looking to take your business to the next level in the world of ecommerce, look no further: Facebook Advantage+ and Clever Ads Manager are the solutions you need.


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