success case story

Ecommerce success story: how Napoki multiplied its conversions with Clever Ads. 

The Clever team recently took to the streets to interview some of our most successful clients and hear their eCommerce success stories. One of our long-time friends, clients and colleagues was keen to share her experience with Clever Ads, and how our efforts helped her transform her business. 

Rebeca started selling compressed cotton wipes online in 2017. However, she never imagined that she would have to spend 5+ hours a week on creating and optimizing keywords, banners, or ads. In fact, having no prior knowledge of Google Ads, this idea didn’t even cross her mind. She simply wanted to make a difference with her luxury wipes. 

“What I like to do most is to create a sensible and safe product for my customers. Napoki gives me the opportunity to satisfy my customers while also having fun”.

After some research on the Internet, she discovered Google Ads and decided to try using it as a tool to reach a wider audience. She took the liberty, as anyone would, to start her own AdWords campaign with little to no prior knowledge or experience.

“When I first thought about advertising my products online, I tried Facebook Ads and Google Ads. I thought it wouldn’t be that difficult. Both platforms brought me a lot of traffic, but I was hardly getting any conversions. My ad spend was much higher than my profit.

Sound familiar? Most eCommerce owners who start an online advertising strategy on Google, Microsoft or other platforms give up within the first few months, as it’s not as easy as it seems. When advertising your products and/or services online, your money is on the line, as it would be with any other advertising medium… and there’s no fun in wasting it, is there? The online marketing environment is highly competitive, so experience and a thorough knowledge of how it works is essential to maintain a healthy ROI. 

“I had to make a decision. Friends recommended Clever Ads to me. They were having good results, so I decided to give it a try”.

Rebeca was spending up to €500 a month, with a really low ROI. Her product is very specific and she was trying to reach more people using generic keywords. These keywords were therefore bringing her a lot of traffic, but they were also very expensive. Plus, it didn’t help that the traffic she was getting was of low quality, i.e. the traffic was not converting; users were coming to her website, but they were not buying. 

“I had about two or three conversions a month only. All my products cost less than €30 and my online advertising spend was much higher. As you can imagine, I was really disappointed with my results, I didn’t know what I was doing wrong”.

When she contacted us and told us about her problem, the first thing we did was to review her campaigns, and we realized what was going on – we’re Google Ads and Microsoft Ads experts for a reason! We then created new search, remarketing and shopping campaigns for her products. This time, we set up a lot of what are known as long tail keywords. These keywords would bring her less traffic, but they would ultimately be cheaper and much more effective. The traffic coming to her website would be of high quality and therefore would bring more conversions. 

She started with a daily budget of €15 per day, as her confidence in online advertising and Google Ads at the time, was very low. After three months, she was spending around €450 per month and was getting up to 87 conversions in the same period. 

“Clever Ads automatically increased my conversions. I started making a profit right from the start. They also gave me some tips on how to improve my website which, combined with the quality traffic they brought me, was my formula for success.”

After this great success, Rebeca felt more confident and doubled her daily budget. She also became a Premium member and benefited from manual optimisation, dynamic remarketing and a lot of extra features. This way, she increased the number of daily clicks; multiplying her sales once again. She achieved almost 200 sales per month with her personalized Clever eCommerce Ads campaigns.

“I decided I wanted to invest more in Google Ads to get the most out of my experience. I also decided to become a Premium user, as I wanted closer and more individual support, as well as a higher level of personalisation for my campaigns.”

Since Rebeca became Premium, we have made a live chat available to her and we talk to her several times a week.

We customized her banners, created promotional campaigns, deployed dynamic remarketing campaigns and controlled everything from her control panel. We also sent her weekly reports with the performance of her campaigns. In the end, we became a kind of “partner in crime”. We are very pleased to have helped her achieve her sales goals, and we can also do this for you!

“Since partnering with Clever Ads my sales have skyrocketed and my confidence in my product has grown. I would recommend trying Clever Ads to anyone thinking of starting a Google or Microsoft Ads online campaign.”

success story napoki


  • Google Ads campaign: an ad campaign within a Google Ads account. It usually consists of several ad groups with the goal of generating traffic and increasing impressions.
  • Traffic: Number of visitors and interactions on/with your site.
  • Conversions: traffic that has been converted into a sale.
  • ROI: return on investment (Return Of Investment). How much profit you make in relation to the cost.
  • Keywords: words/phrases that describe your product and are chosen to help determine when and where your ad can appear.
  • Long tail keywords: longer, more specific keyword phrases.
  • Dynamic Remarketing: ads specifically tailored to your website’s previous visitors based on their experience.
  • Clicks per day: number of times per day your ads are clicked directing a visitor to your site/link.

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