Free SEO Keyword Tools

7 SEO Keyword Tools for your Research (and some Tips)

In every eCommerce SEO strategy we always find the primary need to use SEO keyword tools to help us with the task of performing a good keyword research. What do we do if we have a limited budget and can’t afford a paid tool?

Don’t panic! There are tools that will help us to perform this keyword research. In this post we talk about the 7 best ones:

What is keyword research?

Before we start with the list of SEO keyword tools that we recommend, let’s remember what keyword research is:

It is a process that aims to identify relevant keywords to position your web pages in search engines, taking into account your business and the users you are targeting. The main goal is to find keywords that bring visits; therefore, improve the traffic to our website and generate conversions (registrations, purchases, etc).

Here we go! The best SEO keyword tools:

Now, let’s start with the list of the best 7 tools that from our point of view are the best in the existing market:

Google Keyword Planner

Obviously the first tools that we are going to propose are the official ones from Google, and the reason is no other than because Google is Google.

However, the 3 tools that we present to you may fall a little short and that’s why you have to look for support in some others.

With the Google Keyword Planner you will be able to identify how many monthly searches a certain keyword has on Google, by countries and languages.  

As we said, being Google’s own tool, it is the one that will provide you with the most reliable data.


seo keyword tool google planner

You can also use another very interesting feature in this tool which is that it will help you search for other keyword ideas based on a keyword or URL.

But, as every good SEO knows, keyword research cannot be based only on the results of a local SEO tool so let’s see some more.

Google Trends

This other tool, also belonging to Google, has a very specific objective: to know what the trend of a certain keyword is, that is, how that keyword (or the ones you want to search for) has evolved over time.With this tool we do not get more keywords or specific search volumes, but we can know if the evolution of a keyword is on the rise and if it is seasonal, so we can know when to use it in your content strategy.

Google Search Console

Did you know that you can use the Google Search Console? Not to search keywords and know their searches, but to know the keywords by which your users are accessing your website.

This information can give you many clues (and many surprises) because you may see keywords for which people are accessing your site, that you did not have in your keyword research. Go for it!


search console


Clever Ads Keyword Tool: 

We cannot rely solely on what Google tells us, we have to compare data with other tools, and below we tell you which are the best.

The first on the list is the Clever Ads Keyword Planner which you can filter your content and find many new opportunities. Its filtering feature will make things much easier for you, it’s gold!


kw planner screenshot


Another very interesting feature of this app is that you can organize and categorize the keywords by lists to squeeze all its power organizing them by the categories of your business, your product types… 

You can use this app from any device and anywhere, and they have Chrome extension!


Übersuggest is a free keyword search engine focused on finding long tail keywords from a normal or short tail keyword. You enter this keyword and the tool will come up with numerous new ideas that you may not have considered (no registration required). 

So this is a good tool too for when you run out of ideas. Hop on and see if you have left anything out and find new quality keywords to work on your website.


ubersuggest screenshot


Like Google Trends, Übersuggest also does not provide information about the monthly searches for a keyword. Therefore, it will not help you to confirm if the keyword is likely to bring visits to your website.

Keyword Shitter

Another tool with exactly the same functionality as Ubersuggest, but the interface is simpler. Just enter a keyword and a list of related long tail keywords will appear before your eyes, so quick and easy!


keyword shitter


Also, no search volumes, so it will help you to get new ideas. Remember that once you have the list of keywords, you should put it in Keyword Planner and Google Trends or Clever Ads Keyword Planner to know its monthly search volume and trend.


Finally, another SEO keyword tool that we like is Found. It’ll help you find all possible combinations of a particular keyword. Its main advantage is that it makes combinations automatically, saving you the time of doing them manually.


seo keyword tool found


For example, you are an apartment rental business. Well, with this tool you could make the combination of apartments + preposition + cities.

We find it super useful!

We hope we have given you some useful tips and the necessary tools to perform keyword research if you don’t have the budget to spend the big bucks. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us!

  1. Great Article and very Informative post for keyword research tool for SEO. All free tools are really good. Thanks for sharing this valuable Information.

  2. This is the first time I visit here. I found so much interesting stuff in your blog especially its discussion. Good Work. keep it up.

  3. I really liked the way you explain the theme of your blog, I have a blog and I try to read as much as possible to gain knowledge of the content and how to build a good online reputation. Thank you very much for the post Luci.

  4. SEO tools play a crucial role in optimizing your website’s performance and improving its search engine ranking.

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