How to increase sales by improving engagement in Marketing
As the social media phenomenon continues to take the world by storm, customers are becoming more and more robust. They can get information from anywhere, any time, and make more informed decisions more independently than ever before because of the internet. This is why businesses worldwide are struggling to keep up with these super-informed consumer bases. Read these tips to boost your engagement in marketing!
Interaction software has never been as popular and as necessary as it is today. If you want your customers to stay on-board, having them engage with your business should be a primary concern. Nowadays, people are smarter and quicker, thanks to the rise of social media. In this article, we’re going to look at some of the tried and tested ways to increase conversions by boosting engagement and improving customer interactions.
Surprising Your Customers
Surprising the customer just means making them feel special; that’s about it. Deliver them something they didn’t expect. You can do this by personalizing phone calls and emails to welcome potential customers or visitors, giving gifts such as advice, tips, checklists, journals, E-books, etc., and offering continuity programs with free durations. Are you wondering how you can set some of these up? Pop-ups are a great way of delivering personalized messages to new customers.
Well-crafted pop-ups can help ensure customers take action much more promptly. This surprising element works somewhat like a magnet that attracts new customers to your sales conversion funnel. They can be considered as some kind of interaction software, depending on how you look at it. It’s still a very effective way of engaging customers.
Making Your Customers Happy
A happy customer can attract many more along with them. If your customers have positive experiences when doing business with you, they’ll share this with their connections, family, and friends. When they don’t have positive experiences, chances are they’ll complain. It has been said that about 13% of all your unhappy clients/customers will share this experience with at least 15 other people. In simpler terms, happy customers generally help increase conversion rates.
You can make your customers happy by respecting them regardless of their language, culture, background, or geo-location; listening to them first before talking back to them; communicating with them professionally; making them feel like a part of the business; being transparent; creating offers that’ll benefit them and allow them to save money. Customers are more likely to go through your sales conversion funnel when they’re happy.
Talk like them
What better way than to talk to your customers and address them as they would talk to you? For this you need a good keyword planner.
Also, every second, 63,000 searches are made on Google, do you think you are appearing? You need to use tools to research this and target your customers with the right keywords.
Providing Real-Time Benefits
Never allow your customers to leave empty-handed. The landing page conversion rate right now averages around 2.35%. This tells you that a significant number of customers will back off even before they enter your sales conversion funnel. So, if you want to maximize your sales conversion rates, all your traffic must be targeted and ensure that everyone that visits you leaves with something. There are lots of interaction software tools that can assist you in achieving this.
Some of the things you can do to make this a reality are: using ‘thank you’ pop-ups once the customer is done with the visit, tracking the visitor’s navigation process and showing them content pieces based on this navigation, and offering free tips, checklists, and E-books to visitors. Make them feel like the visit was worthwhile. The truth is, a huge number of visitors will ignore your approach and offers; however, those that notice what you’ve got going on will come back and most likely convert the next time they do.
Socialize With Your Customers
This is why interaction software is so popular today. Social networks have become the online societies of the modern-day world. Teenagers spend almost 9-hours on social media every day while adults use about 28% of their time scouring through different social media platforms. It’s clear that if you want to engage more with your customers, then you’ll probably have to do it via the social media route. In fact, using social media to interact with customers is arguably the most effective engagement tactic there is today.
Handle Negative Feedback
Social media platforms are the new worlds within our world. People are their own bosses on social media. No one can control them when they’re on these networks. So, you should always expect to get opinions, feedback, and replies that can end up hurting your business. Once you start taking what people say personally, then you’ll officially be on the losing end. So when we say handle negative feedback, we mean stop thinking like a business and start thinking like a customer. Interaction software can’t help you do that; only you can.
Some of the things you always need to keep in mind are; respond to comments, replies, and feedback as soon as possible no matter how aggressive they may be (avoiding them is basically suicide), be patient, and avoid rushing answers (the adrenaline involved when answering to negative expressions could prove harmful to your business. Take time and think about things before you respond) and try and contact the user privately and apologize to them.
Final Thoughts
The key to increased sales conversion is customer interaction and engagement, plain and simple. This is why there’s such a high demand for customer interaction software these days. No matter how deeply your offers can benefit the customer or how good they generally are, customers have to be instigated, and their brains should be where you make a home. The only way this can be done is by engaging with them as often and as much as possible. Not only should this be included in your marketing strategies, but effective techniques should be used as well. Hopefully, this article has shown you where and how you can get started right away.