real estate advertising

Real Estate Advertising Ideas to Make the Most of Every Campaign

There is no doubt that today it is essential and necessary that your business has online advertising, regardless of the sector or how traditional are the advertising methods for it. 

As it is well known, real estate advertising has always been located in traditional types of advertising such as magazines, television ads, press, among others. However, something has changed forever and the real estate sector cannot be left behind. 

In this blog that we have prepared for you, we will show you everything about real estate advertising: what is real estate advertising, types of real estate advertising and which is the most effective and some tips and examples that will help you to attract customers to your real estate website. 

What is real estate advertising? 

Real estate advertising consists of advertising a product or service, either the real estate or the companies that provide real estate services. In addition, it is also all the efforts, strategies and tactics that are carried out with respect to the product or service mentioned above to promote its rental, purchase or sale.  Some examples are: houses, apartments, land, commercial properties, buildings, offices, warehouses, condominiums, etc.

There are two types of real estate advertising:

  • Offline: it is the one that has been used for a long time and is more traditional such as: press, radio, TV and outdoor advertising. 
  • Online: it is a trend nowadays and is increasingly taking the first place, such as: social networks, search engine ads and email marketing. Using a Social Network for Real Estate can effectively harness these leading marketing trends.

Depending on the goal of what you want to achieve with your real estate, you will use one type of advertising or another. It is necessary to define in which media to advertise real estate since it is one of the most important phases, this will help you to reach your objectives and increase your sales. 

Tips for your real estate advertising

Define the goals 

No project will be effective if you don’t have specific goals. Nowadays most advertising platforms help you to determine what will be the main goal of your advertising campaigns. Whether it is to get more sales, generate leads or simply to make your brand or business known. 

Your goals will go hand in hand with the budget you want to invest in your real estate advertising. If you want to have quick goals in the short term we recommend using platforms such as Microsoft Ads, Google Ads and Facebook Ads for your real estate advertising

Highlight the advantages of the real estate 

In order to obtain results of your goals, first you must be clear about what attributes your real estate has that are attractive to the market. Some characteristics that you can take into account are:

  • Type of property
  • Size
  • Location
  • Number of rooms
  • Sub-areas
  • Number of bathrooms
  • Parking
  • Garden
  • Services
  • Prices

Visual identity of your property

The visual identity of the property is one of the most important aspects to take into account in your real estate advertising. The first approach that your potential clients will have will be through the photographs of the property, so you must make sure that they are of high quality, good focus, enough light, the necessary photos and that it is a purely professional work. 

Try to give a visual identity to your property according to the needs that you think are important for your audience.

Create your online presence 

Nowadays, apart from traditional magazines, television commercials and billboards that people use to consult about buying real estate, the internet has become the platform of first hand when looking for any information; and of course the real estate sector has not been left behind. 

For this reason it is necessary that you have an optimized and responsive website, presence in social media with photographs and eye-catching content, and google my business for customers who are interested in knowing where you are located. 

Meet your audience

Nowadays it is essential to know your buyer persona for any online sales project. Take into account the experience you have in the sector to create the audience that best suits you. If you already had a website, social networks and some or many loyal customers before starting with paid advertising on the Internet, you can take advantage and see what common characteristics these users have in particular and thus define those who will be your potential customers.

Create valuable content

If you have a website where you have a blog and social media, it is best that you make a content strategy aimed exclusively at the sector in which you are, in this case is real estate. 

You will be able to generate more trust and engagement if you share useful tips on buying and selling a property or simply real estate advertising tips.

We recommend you to use formats such as:

  • Videos
  • Ebooks
  • Infographics
  • Podcast
  • Tutorials
  • Webinars
  • Testimonials
  • Blog

Create digital marketing campaigns

After you have taken into account all of the above, we recommend you to start with real estate advertising campaigns where you can promote your properties and services regarding this sector. Lead generation campaigns are the most successful for this sector, since they provide you with leads from those people who are interested in the property or service you offer.

Remember to take into account several aspects when creating campaigns: 

  • Ad texts: be careful with the ad texts as they are one of the most important elements. We recommend you to use calls to action with words that encourage the user to click. Keep in mind that depending on the platform you use there will be a maximum number of characters that you should use so that your ads are optimized and better qualified.
  • Keep yourself informed of digital trends: as we all know, the digital world is constantly changing, so we recommend you to make the necessary changes to always go hand in hand with everything new. The reel type videos are trending and it is an element that you should not lose sight of.
  • Tests: carry out A/B tests with different formats, texts, graphic pieces and calls to action. This way we make sure we know which one works best for the profile we have selected. 

To wrap things up…

If you follow all these tips, your proposal to start advertising your real estate property or service will be successful and will help you to be more efficient with your objectives. 

The time to start advertising your real estate is now!

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