successful ecommerce stores

Tricks to achieve a successful eCommerce store!

Not long ago, the consumers wanted to touch and feel the things they were buying. It used to satisfy them. However, much has changed due to the internet and mobile devices becoming part and parcel of our lives. Social media has played an important part in inculcating the habit of online shopping. So… how to run a successful eCommerce store nowadays?

Let us tell you how. Consumers read tons of reviews, by friends or influencers, about an online store, which makes them try it out. They come across numerous deals or discounts promoting an online store, and they, at least, pay it a visit and check out the products.

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The rise in popularity of eCommerce stores

The influence of social media in the lives of consumers has significantly been in favor of eCommerce businesses. So they use several platforms to reach out to the people they could never physically reach. Social media has notably solved big hurdles of marketing and paved the way for successful eCommerce stores.

However, not all the credit of running a successful eCommerce  store goes to social media. The exponential increase in mobile usage undoubtedly helped eCommerce  businesses gain popularity. Consumers these days prefer everything on the go. This particular lifestyle has helped e-commerce stores bloom greatly.

In this blog, we discuss 10 most helpful tips to run a successful eCommerce  store. So, stay tuned.

Tips for running a successful eCommerce store

1. Choose the right software

Okay, this might seem like a very basic tip, but it is nonetheless very crucial. The basis of your whole eCommerce  business rests on quality software. If you get even a tad bit careless in choosing a foundation for your eCommerce  store, you might as well be ready for countless glitches.

2. Simple user-friendly website

Consumers neither have the time, nor do they prefer sites with confusing menus and navigations. They are already looking for a quick purchase, and your complicated site menus won’t do any good.

Keep everything simple – from drop-down menus to creating search bars for quick site search- provide ease for your consumers as much as you can. Take heed from Amazon. It has one of the biggest inventory for an eCommerce store. Yet, you can easily navigate through their product categories or search for anything you want.

3. Test everything

Just like you would never buy a car without a test run, your website should have a test run by you first! Get everything checked. Evaluate the consumer experience from your end. Check how compatible your website is, its ease of use, navigation, and most importantly, its checkout process.

Note: also test your website for mobile optimization, as it is the most successful step that can make or break your store.

4. Excellent customer service

Brick and mortar shopping experience lets the consumers touch and feel things that they are buying. Online shopping robs them off this experience to some extent. Nevertheless, a successful eCommerce  store must try to compensate for its limitations with commendable customer service. The customer service agents should always be there to listen, to pacify, and to respond quickly.

You can never stress enough how important customer service is for running a successful eCommerce  store. For inspiration, you can check how Trader Joe’s, a privately run large grocery chain, runs its customer services.

5. Mobile optimized website

Mobile is the keyword for everything in this time and era. From local searches to the top medium of communication, mobile devices are the most effective ways to reach out to the consumers.

If your eCommerce  store is not mobile optimized, you can forget about more than half of the potential consumers that you could reach. The first, and probably the most effective, thing you should do for your eCommerce  store is to make its site mobile compatible. Once, this is done, you can sit back knowing you’ve already done a great deal to make your eCommerce  business successful.

6. Simplified checkout process

You lose numerous potential consumers if your checkout process is time consuming. If you require a lot of information while checking out, the customer might just leave everything and sign off.

What you should do is eliminate the need to create an account. Simplify the process by only requiring shipping and billing address and finalizing the payment option. Often, while in a hurry, filling out the sign up forms and validating the account by email might frustrate your potential customers.  So your checkout process should be simple and hassle free like that of Leather Skin Shop. This will make your customers comfortable and drive them to come for more.

7. Build a mobile app

One of the best ways to leverage mobile devices to your favor is to create an app for your eCommerce  store. An app is easier to use and is the best option for converting visitors to actual customers.

It is handy as the users can access it from anywhere. Mobile apps are more seamless in user experience than mobile sites. For instance, see how easy it is to navigate through the Walmart app.

Additionally, notifications on the app are the most effective way to communicate with consumers.

8. Customers as your brand ambassadors

Nothing works as effectively as consumers giving positive feedback and testimonials on your products. New consumers visiting your eCommerce  store will be looking for affirmative reviews.

A review or testimonial posted on social media about any of your products would do wonders for you. People love to read how others’ shopping experience was. Give your potential customers proof of your services and quality by making your previous consumers your brand ambassadors.

Have your customers write a short review of the purchased product. Urge them to post it on their social media. You might even offer them a discount on doing so to ensure social media marketing.

9. Leverage social media for marketing

Social media is a great marketing tool if used prudently. Use your social media platforms for describing, reviewing, and promoting your products. You can always book a celebrity or an influencer to have your products reviewed and promoted.

Moreover, encourage your consumers to give positive feedback on your social media handles. All in all, use social media in your favor to every possible extent.

10. Periodic email communication

Although email marketing might sound obsolete, its importance cannot be denied. Once your customers subscribe to your eCommerce  store, save their email address for further correspondence.

Keep your customers always in the loop about new discounts or deals and offers. This serves as a periodic reminder to the customers about your eCommerce  store.

Final thoughts

Approaching times will probably take the whole shopping experience to the virtual world.  If you’re not going to adapt your business to the electronic world, you’re going to lose a huge potential clientele.

So, equip yourself with the tips to run a successful eCommerce  store, and you’ll be safe for the coming years.

Happy flourishing and, for ending, read this article about how to increase online sales!

Extra tip: are you familiar with the PMAX campaigns carried out by both Google and Microsoft? They’re quite remarkable and worth your attention!

Ashley Rosa is a freelance writer and blogger.

As writing is her passion that why she loves to write articles related to the latest trends in technology and sometimes on health-tech as well. She is crazy about chocolates. You can find her at Twitter.


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