Introduction to AdWords

An introduction to AdWords for beginners

Introduction to AdWords: Campaign Types

Welcome to our Introduction to Adwords

You’ve made a great decision to invest your time and money in Google Ads. It’s a very effective advertising channel, especially for eCommerce Ads. It’s also understandable to be intimidated from all these new terms, number figures, endless columns and different types of campaigns. However, there are so many resources available that can help alleviate the stress and prepare you to be able to manage and optimize high quality campaigns on Google Ads. Once you decide to dedicate part of your marketing budget, it’s recommended to spend some time reading and learning from experts in the field to be able to understand how this channel works. 

When you start setting up your campaigns on AdWords, you will have to choose a campaign type and decide on your campaigns goals. The type of campaign that you choose will determine where your potential client will see your ads (on search results, on a banner, on YouTube, etc.). Whereas the campaign goal you set should be based on the action that you would like your audience to take (click on your ad, leave their email, visit your store, etc.).


Campaign types:          

  • Search Network campaign.
  • Display Network campaign.
  • Shopping campaign.
  • Video campaign.
  • Universal App Campaign.

Campaign goals:

  • Sales.
  • Leads.
  • Website traffic.
  • Product & Brand consideration.
  • Brand awareness & Reach.
  • App Promotion.


Introduction to AdWords: Choosing a marketing objective

Starting with your campaign, you will need to select your marketing objective. Choosing a goal for each campaign will ease your decision making for a successful campaign and Google Ads will guide you to the specific features of each objective. Think about what you want to achieve with your specific campaign (for example: your goal might be to have users visit your website) and select the one that fits from what Google is offering.


types of marketing objectives infographic


Introduction to AdWords: Deciding your AdWords budget

Figuring out how much to spend on your AdWords campaign can be challenging, we can all agree on that. Make sure you devote some time on planning your strategy.

Most importantly, when making decisions about your Google Ads budget you must focus on maximizing your ROI. To do this, you will have to configure your conversions and their conversion value. This is very important, so that you know which keywords, ads, creative strategies, or landing pages bring you the most conversions.

What to measure?

Consistently measuring aspects of your store is crucially important for any type of digital marketing advertisement effort. You must know how and what to measure when it comes to the performance of your ads. By doing so, you will be confident in your investment because you will know the value that it brings to your business.

Depending on your goal, the focus of your metrics will vary. If your main objective is to bring traffic to your store, then these are the main aspects you should measure:


  • CTR & Clicks → Measuring the clicks that your ad, ad group, campaign or keywords obtained, can lead to very useful insights. For instance, you can raise the bids to the keyword that seem to attract more people to your store and lower (or even eliminate) the ones that don’t seem to bring you traffic.


  • Keywords → Make sure you update your keyword lists frequently. As already mentioned above, you can remove the ones that seem to have very low CTR and focus on the best ones. For obtaining more insight regarding the quality of your keywords, you can run a keyword diagnosis and check their Quality Score.


  • Search terms →  You can use the “Search term report” for figuring out which search terms have triggered your ad. This report can help you find more terms which can drive more traffic to your store and add them to your list of keywords.


How to optimize

You should never be complacent in the dealings of your ad performance. You should carefully monitor the results of your campaigns and make changes when needed. A good way to optimize your campaigns is to focus on improving your Google Ads Quality Score. 

Quality Score gives you a score on your ads and provides an idea of where you should focus on improving. Google uses a scale from 1 to 10, and takes into account your keywords, landing page, click through rate, ad relevance and history performance. Google hasn’t shared the exact impact of each one when calculating your Quality Score, but improving the relevance between your keywords, ads and landing pages is still crucially important.

Google has always prioritized user experience and if you are investing in Google Ads, you should do the same. A good strategy for successful campaigns is to segment your keywords into smaller, relevant groups. Then you can create different ad texts and a dedicated landing page for each specific keyword group. This will help to increase the relevancy of your ads as you will lead visitors that are looking for a specific item to its adequate page. In doing so, you’ll eventually improve your bounce rate as well (The percentage of visitors who enter the site and then leave rather than continuing to view other pages within the same site).

Another strategy you should follow when optimizing your campaigns is to detect the keywords or ads that don’t bring you good results. They may bring you low value customers or no conversions at all. Once you have them detected, you will be able to make decisions such as pausing them or lowering their bids to not spend a large portion of your budget on them.


In this post, we covered the most basic and important concepts of utilizing Google Ads. If you are a beginner it might take you some time to understand and digest all the new information, but it will be greatly beneficial to your business in the end. Make sure you properly structure your Google Ads campaigns, measure what’s important, and optimize! You can be an expert yourself in no time! By the way, you already know the PMAX campaigns of Google and Microsoft? you can’t miss them!



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